The Sibillini

The Sibillini

The Sibillini, a mountain group part of the central Apennines, are an ideal destination for day trips. The towns of Sarnano and Visso have interesting medieval cores; Ussita is the starting point for hikes in the woods; and from Ussita you can climb Mount Bove in search of chamois (you could consider to join organized excursions with expert guides). Between Ussita and Visso, wild and isolated, you can find the Sanctuary of Macereto.

view of the town of Ussita

Photo © Regione Marche Tourism

the Sanctuary of Macereto, a well-preserved jewel of the Sibillini mountains

Photo © Regione Marche Tourism

From Amandola, 70 km from the campsite, an easy walk along the river Tenna permits to visit the Infernaccio Gorges and reach the source of the river itself.

The plateau of Castelluccio di Norcia, on the Umbrian side of the mountain, about 100 km from the campsite, is especially beautiful in spring when the Flowering takes place, and the fields are tinged of the colors of wild flowers.

From our camping, the Sibillini mountains can be easily explored. Take the Val di Chienti highway (SS77) from Civitanova Marche and drive in direction of the mountains. We suggest you to do small deviations along the road, in order to visit the beautiful medieval towns of Tolentino, Camerino, and San Severino.

Tolentino is famous for the Basilica of St. Nicholas, one of the most popular pilgrimage destinations in central Italy. We suggest you to visit the beautiful old town, the Tower of Watches, the Parisani Palace designed by Antonio da Sangallo the Younger, the Palace Parisani Bezzi where in 1797 the Treaty of Tolentino was signed by Napoleon and the representatives of Pius VI, and which now houses the Napoleonic Museum.

Camerino, ducal city with an antique university, is located on a hill and protected by massive walls. Inside the walls, there are numerous palaces and churches that are worth a visit; among these we remember the Ducal Palace. Outside the walls, don’t forget to visit the Basilica of St Venanzio.

Rocca Varano, near Camerino: the castle dominates the road when driving to the Sibillini

Photo © Regione Marche Tourism

historical reenactment in Camerino

Photo © RC New Photography – Regione Marche Tourism